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Acupuncturist Develops App to Help Women Conceive

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Acupuncture has long been used to help alleviate a host of conditions like chronic pain, skin issues, and gastrointestinal problems. It’s even been known to help cravings for food and smoking. There have also been countless acupuncture fertility success stories. Though we might think of conception acupuncture as a relatively new practice, the reality is that humans have used the practice of acupuncture for pregnancy for centuries.

An estimated 7.4 million women have received services for infertility in their lifetime. For women who don’t want (or can’t afford) to undergo invasive procedures like IVF, acupuncture can be an excellent option. Acupuncture benefits are numerous: thyroid problems can be reduced or eliminated, ovarian function can be increased, and it can help with maintaining the proper blood flow necessary for fertilization.

Now, a board-certified reproductive acupuncturist, Kristen Karchmer, has developed a program and correlating phone app for women who are having trouble getting pregnant. Her app, called Conceivable, wants to empower its female users by helping them make the necessary health and lifestyle changes for optimal pregnancy conditions.

Karchmer created the program based on her 20 years of experience helping over 7,000 infertile couples, the majority of whom now tell their acupuncture fertility success stories to friends and family. In creating Conceivable, Karchmer wanted to offer an affordable alternative to IVF. At $119 a month, Conceivable is a much easier pill to swallow (literally — the monthly subscription includes liquid-extract herbal supplements) than the $15,000 price tag of IVF.

Essentially, the app aims to identify the underlying cause of a woman’s fertility via an 800-question algorithm. In this way, women can zero in on problem areas like improper sleep, low energy, high stress levels, and improper nutrition. The app creates a menu plan and recommends specific supplements based on the user’s health needs.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the method to which Karchmer subscribes, symptoms of PMS or painful periods are poor signs of health. Although we normalize them in western society, Conceivable’s mission is to correct these symptoms by optimizing a woman’s health. Karchmer reports that 85% of her patients are able to have a Conceivable cycle — a pain-free, 28-day long menstrual cycle — within 90 days.

Though not a cure for infertility, Karchmer sees the app as a tool to increase a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant. Although Conceivable has yet to release its numbers, the combination of a health program with acupuncture benefits holds promise.

If you’re interested in finding out more about acupuncture fertility success stories, contact us today. Our skilled staff specializes in acupuncture for pregnancy success as well as acupuncture for emotional healing, stress reduction, and pain.

Make an Appointment: (424) 466-8966
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