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Acupuncture for Emotional Health in Los Angeles

Acupuncture Treatments for Improving Emotional Health

Our emotions affect how our bodies work and how our lives are lived, yet emotional health is one of the most underrated and undertreated aspects of health. Dr. Mitra knows the importance of this, which is why she has dedicated her practice to helping her patients realize their potential through acupuncture for emotional health. From helping with accumulated stress to mitigating symptoms of depression, our licensed acupuncture clinic in Beverly Hills offers tailored treatments to improve your emotional well-being.

Stimulating Your Body to Improve Emotional Health

Acupuncture for emotional health is not external medicine that forces changes onto your body – it is a natural treatment that guides your body to do what’s best for you and come into balance. In traditional Chinese medicine, emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression disrupt the free flow of Qi, your vital energy. This will negatively affect different events in the body, such as digestion, sleep, mood, and other aspects of daily life. Acupuncture frees up the free flow of Qi, bringing your body back into balance to improve your well-being.

From the Western perspective, acupuncture for emotional health stimulates your nervous and endocrine systems, encouraging your body to produce beneficial hormones and rectify hormonal imbalances. By regulating high cortisol levels and stimulating the production of endorphins, acupuncture helps with stress and anxiety. Acupuncture can trigger natural serotonin production, improving your mood and mitigating symptoms of depression. It can also regulate your body’s circadian rhythm, enhancing sleep quality and helping with insomnia.  

There are many things that emotional health acupuncture can help with, but it is as important to treat the underlying causes as it is to treat the symptoms. That is why at BH Acuhealth Clinic, we take a holistic approach and will tailor the acupuncture treatments to your specific situation and needs. We also specialize in:


Make an appointment and let us create a treatment plan that will help you live the life you deserve to live.

A Word from Dr. Mitra

Dr. Mitra Daneshrad

“I had a patient who at age 21, in her last semester of college, suddenly experienced severe anxiety: she was not able to eat, she was afraid of getting out of the house, she was losing weight, she was severely depressed and could not stop crying. She felt completely unable to attend her classes or be in social settings. We slowly worked at it, and worked at it. It took less than two months of treatment – sometimes once a week, sometimes twice a week – but she finally felt better; she graduated on time and successfully started a new career. It was wonderful for me to watch and know that I helped her.”

Get rid of stress, anxiety & depression!


Make an Appointment: (424) 466-8966
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