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Nutritional approaches for polycystic ovary syndrome

Nutritional Approaches for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Table of Contents

Here is a dietary approach for PCOS that maybe useful for you:

  • Management of blood sugar is vital as insulin resistance experienced by women with PCOS increases the risk of developing diabetes. It is essential to cut out sugary refined foods, eat regular protein at each meal and avoid stimulants and exercise regularly to manage your blood sugar levels.
  • Exercise is also vital for women with PCOS, as excessive weight compounds problems with PCOS and leads to the risk of developing other women’s health problems .Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 5-7 days a week. Cardio and resistance training are recommended.

Foods to avoid:

  • Avoid all sugar and white refined carbohydrates as they imbalance your blood sugar levels, aggravating symptoms of insulin resistance.
  • Cut out caffeine which can contribute to blood sugar imbalances and insulin resistance.
  • Avoid  alcohol as it impacts the liver, which is involved in excreting excess hormone levels.
  • Avoid excessive saturated fat intake especially in cow’s dairy and non-organic meat. Non-organic meat tends to be higher in saturated fat. Excess saturated fat can lead to excessive weight gain and worse insulin resistance, and it burdens the liver which is needed to excrete excess hormones.
  • Avoid trans and hydrogenated fats altogether (e.g. in margarine and found in many processed foods) as these damage cell membranes in turn causing a whole range of health imbalances.
  • Avoid non-organic produce as far as you can as pesticides can contain xenoestrogens which can imbalance hormone levels.

Foods to Increase

  • Choose pasture organic raised or grass fed meats
  • free range pasture-raised organic egg, egg whites
  • wild-caught salmon, cod, or tilapia, herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, chicken, pork (non fatty), lean red meat
  • Increase levels of all kinds of phyto-estrogens in your diet including soy beans, tempeh, miso, red clover, lentils, linseeds and chickpeas as these contain natural phyto-estrogens which help balance hormone levels in the body.
  • Ensure you eat plenty of essential fatty acids such as oily fish (herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines, trout) and nuts and seeds. They help manage blood sugar levels.
  • Ensure you eat good levels of fiber in your diet. Fiber promotes bowel movements so that excess hormones are excreted more efficiently through bowel movements; it helps manage your blood sugar levels and encourages elimination of toxic waste products. Fiber can be found in whole grains and vegetables.
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables daily – at least 5-12 portions daily. They contain fiber to help keep the bowel moving regularly as well as a range of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants which support both a healthy functioning body, as well as immune system.
  • Ensure you drink enough water per day so that your urine is a very pale yellow color (not darker and not completely clear either). Enough water ensures daily bowel movements helping to flush out old toxins and hormones from the body.
  • Ensure you eat quality protein at each meal including breakfast (meat, fish, eggs, nuts, or seeds) to help stabilize your blood sugar levels.
  • When you eat carbohydrates, focus on low glycemic carbohydrates including vegetables, whole grains, lentils and beans as this will help stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • Avoid stress as this imbalances blood sugar levels and worsens digestion, slowing down the bowel and creating micronutrient mal-absorption.
  • Ensure you are exercising at least three times per week for twenty minutes to avoid being over-weight and to manage blood sugar levels. This is very important for women with COS to avoid compounding the problems of PCOS, and developing other health problems such as diabetes.
  • Xenoestrogens are compounds in the environment that can cause an excessive increase in estrogen levels. They leak into food from plastic containers and plastic wraps for foods. They are also found in creams and lotions, non-organic food, microwave plastic containers and household cleaning products. Buy natural household cleaning and personal hygiene products.
  • Stop smoking as it depletes many micronutrients which can lead to a poor immune system and hormone imbalances
  • Sleep 7-8 hours nightly
Make an Appointment: (424) 466-8966
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